Dr. Mike Murphy
“Our church does not have anything to do with social media. There is just so much out there on it, I do not feel comfortable with our church being a part of it. And if we were, people might come to our site who disagree with our faith.”
These words were spoken to me by the pastor of a very large church. A church well known in their community, that has long-standing ties in the community. A church that is often found holding special events within the community. But a church that does not feel comfortable using social media to reach out to the community, out of fear of how some in the community might respond.I would ask this church, as I ask all. If Christ had been born into this world today, would He be found using social media? And as I ask this question, I would remind all. Christ took His message to this world by often going directly to the people. By word of mouth gathering the people to Him outside of the structures and synagogues, so they could hear and see the promises being fulfilled that the Lord had given to man. Gathering not only so they could hear and see Christ, but so they could ask questions of the Promised Messiah. I would also remind this church, Christ never shied away from those who looked to attack Him. As He would respectfully present the truth to them, and explain that truth in a relatable and understanding way, so all who heard Him speak might also come to know the truth. Allowing His words to draw them near, to want to hear more, so they might come to be led more by His truth.If Christ had been born today, I firmly believe He would have a heavy presence on social media. As a way to take His message directly to the people, so His truth might be read and heard by as many people as possible. And if you find yourself believing as I do, that Christ would be making the most of social media, then we must ask ourselves, why are we not doing so each day?Christ gave this Church a call to evangelism, one we refer to as the Great Commission. A call that says to us, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”(Matthew 28:18-20). In this technically advanced age, how do we think we could possibly best fulfill this call, without incorporating social media into that call?Let us take a look at the church I mentioned above, to best understand what I am saying. The church I mentioned has over two thousand members. If this church was found each day posting articles about our faith, things that pointed to our faith, and writings that supported and explained the truth of our faith, how many people would it reach for Christ each day? Now let us say just one in twenty of its members shared the posts it saw on the church’s page. How many would then be reached each day for Christ? Now take into account the friends of those members who share what they see the members posting, now how many have been reached? How many people who read a single post that started from the page of this church, could be led each day to a desire to want to know more about Christ? How many people would find their way to the doors of that church, or to another church, because this church was willing to faithfully use the tools available at its reach, so as many people as possible would come to know Christ? How many more would stand at the foot of the Cross today if this church was willing to use social media to take His reach to this world? Now as you contemplate that number, ask yourself, what would that number be if the thousands upon thousands of churches we see in this world today was found doing the same?Another question I would also ask as we contemplate all of this. How many brothers and sisters in Christ, could we reach with words of guidance and encouragement, if we were found daily looking to share Christ on social media? Hebrews 10:24-25 tells us, “And let us consider how to stimulate one another to love and good deeds, not forsaking our own assembling together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another; and all the more as you see the day drawing near.” We can never replace the fellowship that is found in our churches, but how many more would be drawn to share with us in that fellowship if we were found reaching out to our brothers and sisters through social media each day? How many familiar names might we see sitting next to us this Sunday, if we were willing to offer encouraging words that strengthened the faith of our fellow believers each of the other days? How many who profess a faith in Christ, but have given up on our churches, might return to the doors of our churches, if we were just willing to take a few minutes each day to share His Word with others on our social media accounts?It is time the Church took a hard look in the mirror, and began to ask ourselves some difficult questions. Questions we have found it easier to ignore than to ask. Questions that leave us to wonder why we have found it easier to often abandon social media, to just turn it over to the hands of Satan, than to make the most of each day for Christ with social media. Questions, that if we are found turning to His Word for the answers, would find us immediately looking to turn Facebook into Faithbook, as we place our social media accounts in His hands.

Praying you make the most of each of your posts for Christ today!
by Dr MW Murphy