10 The Role of the Holy Spirit

One way of expressing the certainty of the Christian hope is to say that the people of God have been “Sealed with the Spirit.” The term occurs three times in the Epistles; (II Corinthians 1:22; Eph. 1:13; 4:30). In the Old Testament the literal meaning of sphragizo is somewhat more common, but in the New Testament (at times also in the Old) the term is used only metaphorically, in the sense of ‘ratify’, ‘confirm’, ‘attest’. In the three texts in which Paul uses the term it refers to the marking of the believers as God’s property. The Holy Spirit is the mark of the child of God. But the sealing has a reference to the end of the age, for God will deliver all those who have his stamp on them (Revelation 7:4).


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