11 Laodicean Church Pt. I

The destination of the letter, in verse 14a is Laodicea, which means “people ruling.” The wealthy city of Laodicea was located on the road to Colosse about 40 miles southeast of Philadelphia. About 35 years before this letter was written, Laodicea was destroyed by an earthquake, but it had the wealth and ability to rebuild. Its main industry was wool cloth. There is no record that Paul ever visited this city, but he was concerned about it (Colossians 2:1–2; 4:16). This is set in contrast to God’s ruling in the church. It is a church entirely ruled by men, for the Holy Spirit is not present and doing His ministry of guiding.
The description of Jesus is in verse 14b and is taken from Revelation 1:4, 6 and 7. He is described as the faithful and true witness, whereas this church is neither faithful nor true to the Word.
In verses 15-16, they are characterized by lukewarmness. The distinctions between hot, cold and lukewarm can be determined by the overall context. The hot are the truly saved believers. The cold are those who are not believers and do not claim to be believers. The lukewarm are those claim to believe in Jesus but are not truly regenerate believers.
In verse 18, Christ exhorted them to put salve on their eyes. A medical school was located in Laodicea at the temple of Asclepius, which offered a special salve to heal common eye troubles of the Middle East. What they needed was not this medicine but spiritual sight. The church at Laodicea is typical of a modern church quite unconscious of its spiritual needs and content with beautiful buildings and all the material things money can buy. This is a searching and penetrating message.


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