123 God’s Thoughts Higher than Mans

A person’s ways are one’s patterns of behavior, and those must be changed if one is ever to live within the grace of God. He makes it plain that faith in Him without a life like His is not faith at all. At the same time genuine change of behavior must originate from a change of thoughts (Philippians 2:12–13). We are then led by the Spirit (Romans 8:4) and see Him working to change our behavior as His fruits become evident in our manner of living. When the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of truth enters the believer his thoughts change significantly. Sin is ultimately a matter of attitude. However superficially “righteous” a person may be, if one persists in imagining that one can live independently from God, then that person is profoundly unrighteous. At the same time genuine change of behavior without an accompanying change of values and perceptions is impossible.


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