2 Creation Continued

We need to realize that the New Testament affirms one component of Genesis 1: 1 by stating that God acted before time began. Other things happened before time began which are revealed in Scripture too such as the rise and fall of Lucifer the anointed cherub (Ezekiel 28). When he sinned and had his fall he became Satan (Hebrew for adversary) and ruined everything he could touch including the earth where he lived in the mineral garden with jewels and no seas or lakes. In fact Christ said He saw Satan fall (Luke 10:18). God is perfect in all he does and perfect Himself. He created perfect heavens and earth as stated in Genesis 1: 1. Something happened between Genesis 1:1 and Genesis 1:2 to provide for give us a description of the earth being waste, void and dark. These are not words to describe God’s perfectness in creation. Therefore when Satan fell it could have caused the chaos described in verse 2.

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