20 World Evangelism

12,000 Jews from each of the Twelve Tribes will be selected to be the evangelists. It is through these 144,000 Jews that God will bring about the worldwide revival and accomplish another goal of the Great Tribulation. The Jews live all over the world now in the Diaspora and speak the languages of the countries they are living in. They will also have knowledge of the Scriptures to evangelize quickly. This will fulfill the prophecy found in Matthew 24:14.
Matthew 24:14
And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in the whole world for a testimony unto all the nations; and then shall the end come (KJV).
After the vision of the 144,000 Jews John saw myriads and myriads of Gentiles as well as other Jews who came to have a saving knowledge of the Savior during the Tribulation. God will accomplish His second purpose with the 144,000. The term after these things is a statement showing the cause-and-effect relationship of the choosing of the 144,000 Jewish evangelists.

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