25 Mosaic Law Provided no Salvation

The Mosaic Law offered a mere likeness (shadow) of what was to come through the Lord Jesus. Now there is direct access to God. The Old Law was not the final plan and it was never able to provide final perfect cleansing from sin. If sacrifices could have made people perfect they would not have had to repeat them year after year and there would have been no need for a Redeemer to come. The endless sacrifices never removed the people’s sin in the eyes of God and it left them with their guilt. God never took pleasure in the sacrifices and He would not accept as worthy the sacrifices of the individual who was not truly in a right relationship with Him. Psalm 40:6–8 said that Christ came to offer His body on the cross for us which is the only sacrifice that is completely acceptable to God. The entire Old Testament was written about Him and His coming. Christ fulfilled the entire Law and the prophecies about His coming. This sacrifice of our Lord Jesus was made once for all and ended the Law. In order to fully understand what He did we need to understand the nature of the Law.

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