31–Isaiah Sin Originated With Satan

Sin originated in Satan (Ezekiel 28: 15). He is a king with a kingdom and a portion of that kingdom consists of demons (Matthew 12: 24, 26). Scripture does not give us the exact origin of the demons. The New Testament tells of the angels who defected with Satan, and “kept not their first estate” and “are reserved unto judgment of the great day” (II Peter 2: 4; Jude 1:6). Most competent conservative Bible teachers view the demons as the fallen angels. Some refer to them as disembodied spirits. This fall happened during Satan’s second domain in the Jeweled Garden of Eden. The Bible is vastly superior in its exposition of demonology compared to the superstitious exaggeration in the general population. The Bible says demons exist. In the Old Testament they were the power behind the idols which the Israelites to worshipped. In Hebrew, the demons are called Shedhim (Deuteronomy 32: 17; Psalm 106: 36-37) as well as Seirim (Leviticus 17:7; II Chronicles 11: 15; Isaiah 13:21; 34: 14).


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