31 The Parable of the Two Eagles

Now God adds to the parabolic form of communication for Ezekiel to communicate with the Jewish prisoners of war in Babylon. He introduces the riddle (Hebrew czeedah) to Ezekiel and has him speak a riddle within a parable. Riddles are generally known as word puzzles. The whole point of a riddle is for the listener to analyze the circumstances brought forth in the riddle to discover a hidden meaning. It is a test of wisdom, which requires careful thought in order to be interpreted or understood. The parable already contains no names or specific places and is used to make an impression upon the memory to recall personally related events or circumstances. By adding to this a riddle God is trying to get the Jews to understand for themselves what has happened to them, why and by whom. He wants them to realize that they have sinned against Him.

31 The Parable of the Two Eagles

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