34 – Isaiah Judgment of Moab

The Moabites and the Ammonites were frequently at war with Israel and were idolaters. Today Ammon is found in Northern Jordan and Moab is in Central Jordan. They are usually referred to in the Bible as the children of Lot (Deuteronomy 2: 9, 19; Psalm 83: 8). One famous Moabitess was Ruth who became one of the Ancestors of Jesus as a result of Boaz the Goel Kinsman redeemer taking her to wife. Naamah was an Ammonite woman who became one of Solomon’s wives and the mother of King Rehoboam also in the ancestral lineage of Jesus. Scripture says that they will be again revived for judgment in the period of the Great Tribulation (Jeremiah 48: 47-49: 6). Because of the extremely close relationship between the two entities it is important to look at their history together.The Ammonites were bitterly attacked by the prophets as inveterate enemies of Israel (Jeremiah 49:1–6; Ezekiel 21:20; 25:1–7; Amos 1:13–15; Zephaniah 2:8–11). This explains God’s will in the judgment of Ammon and Moab. Amos 3:7 7Surely the Lord Jehovah will do nothing, except he reveal his secret unto his servants the prophets (ASV, 1901).

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