40 Holiness in The Kingdom

This 40th message of Zechariah concludes the book. Now God characterizes the holiness that will characterize the Messianic Kingdom. Zechariah uses the illustration of bells of the horses. What he is illustrating is celebratory gladness as the horses have their bells ringing on their harnesses. There will be an inscription on those bells that proclaim “HOLY UNTO JEHOVAH.” This is the same inscription, which is on the gold plate of the turban of the High Priest (Exodus 28:36; 39:30). Holy in this sense is dedicated for the use of the Lord. The earth and its entire population will be holy and dedicated to the service of the Lord as He reigns in Jerusalem. The world will be under a theocracy with King Jesus as the Holy Lawgiver. He will be physical present on the earth. They will live in peace, security, and righteousness. Holiness will follow these attributes of the Messianic Kingdom. Israel will have become a kingdom of priests as God wanted them to be.


40 Holiness in The Kingdom

Daniel E Woodhead | Theology in Perspective