76 God Will Bless Israel

While the Lord has finished the prophecy to Israel’s
nearest enemy Edom, He now begins a lengthily
contrast to Edom regarding the blessings He will
bring upon the nation Israel. He begins by commanding
Ezekiel to , prophesy unto the mountains of Israel.
Just as He prophecied doom and judgment to Edom and
represented them as Mount Seir so too does He
prophecy to Israel in synecdoche fashion using the
mountains to refer to the whole of the land and its
people. Synecdoche is a figure of association where
the whole can refer to the part or the part to the
whole. However, to Israel in contrast to Edom, He
brings a promise of spiritual and temporal blessings
to them. In typical colorful poetical language the
Lord is telling Ezekiel that he must say, “Ye
mountains of Israel, hear the word of Jehovah.”

He is letting them know exactly who it is that is
speaking words of assurance. It is Jehovah God the
Father speaking about future blessings that will come
upon Israel. God first gives His reason for the
prophecies of blessing that He will now bring in this
chapter. He says that Israel’s enemies who hate them
have said at least two things of offense to God:

1. The said Aha! Which is an expression of
scornfulness or rejoicing over Israel’s suffering and
their thoughts of dominance over them.
2. They own the ancient mountains. They boasted
that they were in full control of the land of


76 God Will Bless Israel

Daniel E Woodhead | Theology in Perspective

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