41 – Modern And Millennial Egypt

The summary story of Egypt’s future is given in Isaiah 19:1–22. In verses 1–10, the Prophet Isaiah described the punishment of Egypt because of her sins. Egypt will be characterized by civil war, desolation, and famine. In verses 11–15, the prophet stated that the root cause of Egypt’s devastation is her leaders who have led Egypt astray. Under the dictatorships of Farouk, Nasser and Sadat, Egypt went to war against Israel on four occasions, resulting in heavy losses for Egypt and wrecking its economy. The first was the war of Independence. In The Kingdom the Egyptians will speak Hebrew and become believers in the God of the Hebrews, namely the Jewish Messiah, Jesus. Nevertheless, because of Egypt’s longstanding hatred of Israel, in the outworking of the cursing principle of the Abrahamic Covenant (Genesis 12:3), Egypt will suffer a desolation that will be similar to that of Edom, according to the prophet Joel. Egypt, Israel and Assyria will all worship God.



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