41 The Kingdom Begins


The Great Tribulation has ended, the final events have been completed during the seventy-five day interval, which concludes with the Marriage feast of the Lamb, and the Lord Jesus will welcome all believers into His Kingdom. Now begins descriptions of the massive changes in natural phenomena of the earth as the Millennial Kingdom of our Lord is established on earth. This is exactly what the Lord Jesus told His apostles and us to pray for when He said, “Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven” (Matthew 6:10). Our text here describes the general age of the Day of the Lord which here is characterized as “That Day.” This description encompasses the entire period from the beginning of the Great Tribulation on through the establishment and extent of the Messianic Kingdom and Eternal Order. In short it is when God takes His earth back from the evil forces, which have influenced it for at least six thousand years.


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