43 The Kingdom

The Old Testament scriptures teach that there will be an earthly, visible Kingdom over which the Son of Man is to rule (Daniel 7:13–14, 2:34–35, 44–45; Jeremiah 23:5; Zechariah 14:9). At the time of Jesus’ birth there was a widespread expectation of the coming of the Messiah. For example, Simeon and Anna waited in the Temple for the “Consolation of Israel” (Luke 2:25–38). After Jesus’ resurrection at the point of His return to Heaven His Jewish followers asked if now was the time for the Kingdom to be set up on the earth. They realized that the King Himself was here. He told them that it was not going to occur then (Acts 1:6-7). He left them with the belief that there was to be an “earthly and visible Kingdom” someday.
The prophets refer to that time period as the Messianic Kingdom. Some called it the Kingdom of God and others called it the Theocratic Kingdom. In any event is a highly Jewish time period which little, except for its duration and succeeding eternal order, is to be found in the New Testament. So without a strong understanding of the Old Testament prophets and the covenants one can understand why the criticism of the existence of the Millennium can frequently be found in many evangelical Bible writings.

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