48 Israel’s Regeneration

The fact that the Nation Israel will have a prominent role in the Messianic Kingdom is fully developed in the Old Testament prophets. Only four of the prophets did not explicitly develop this theme. They were Jonah, Nahum, Habakkuk and Malachi. Habakkuk and Malachi did report on the future Second Coming and the Tribulation though. It can be inferred that because the Kingdom follows the Tribulation, they had something to say about the events leading up to it. The role that Israel will play out in the Messianic Kingdom will be covered in eight topics:
1. The Four Facets of the Final Restoration of Israel
a. The Regeneration of Israel
b. The Regathering of Israel
c. The Possession of the Land
d. The Reestablishment of the Davidic Throne
2. Additional Characteristics of Israel’s Final Restoration
3. The Millennial Mountain of Jehovah’s House
4. The Millennial Temple
5. The Millennial System of Priesthood and Sacrifice
6. The Millennial River
7. The Millennial Israel
8. The Millennial Jerusalem
The importance of the covenants that God made with Israel cannot be overstated. In this section four of the covenants will be surveyed as they relate to Israel’s final restoration.




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