Dividing the night from the day is the forth major division in creation and these lights replace the light God provided of Himself in day one. One of the reasons for making the stars in the heavens was for a sign. A sign signifies or represents something. Signs therefore, are meant to lead one to something else. The sign itself is not the end destination. It is the method employed to direct our attention to something else. In the stars God is the direct object the signs point to. We should realize that His entire creation which theologians call “general revelation,” speak to Him and coming from Him. In fact God charges all mankind to know Him through the ‘signs” He has provided. God is trying to tell us things about Himself through the stars in the heavens. The heavens declare His creative output
NOTES HERE: https://media-cloud.sermonaudio.com/text/12613933263.pdf
Content retrieved from: Dividing the night from the day is the forth major division in creation and these lights replace the light God provided of Himself in day one. One of the reasons for making the stars in the heavens was for a sign. A sign signifies or represents something. Signs therefore, are meant to lead one to something else. The sign itself is not the end destination. It is the method employed to direct our attention to something else. In the stars God is the direct object the signs point to. We should realize that His entire creation which theologians call “general revelation,” speak to Him and coming from Him. In fact God charges all mankind to know Him through the ‘signs” He has provided. God is trying to tell us things about Himself through the stars in the heavens. The heavens declare His creative output.
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