62–Israel’s Millennial Restoration

As we conclude this four-chapter section of Isaiah known as “The Little Apocalypse of Isaiah” we see Israel’s, Millennial Restoration. The Lord gave Isaiah a glimpse beyond the chastisement and saw the day of Israel’s restoration. Thus, says the Lord through Isaiah, “in that day, that Jehovah will beat off his fruit from the flood. “He shall beat off His people, as fruit is beaten off an olive tree with a stick” (Deuteronomy 24:20). The literal description is beating an olive tree to release its fruit such as beating the sheaves of wheat to release its grain. The Lord will begin to gather together the Jews of the diaspora, as described. The purpose of threshing is to separate the kernels from the husk. Then, He will gather His elect of Israel, like handpicked fruit, after the shaking from the Euphrates River to the stream of Egypt. This is Messianic promise land.

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