7 The Church at Thyarira

The description of Thyatira means continual or perpetual sacrifice or Semiramis. Semiramis was traditionally thought to be the mother of Nimrod who had a child with him which died and came back to life. That child was Tammuz and is frequently represented in many cultures as the mother and child cult figure. When a woman is used symbolically in Scripture it represents a religious entity. On the positive side a woman is called the wife of Jehovah and The Bride of Christ. On the negative side there is the woman with the leaven (Matthew 13:33), The Great Harlot of Revelation chapter 17 and here in chapter 2. Jezebel was a pagan woman who married king Ahab and was responsible for introducing pagan religion into Northern Israel subsequent to the civil war, which divided the land into north and south. Through Jezebel, Baal worship came into the land resulting in more idolatry than ever before. Involved with the worship of Baal was sexual immorality. This total immorality became a very real picture of what the Roman Catholic Church evolved into during the period of the Dark Ages. It introduced a paganism that resulted in idolatry and spiritual fornication, and it became a new religious system bearing little resemblance to the New Testament church. It was during this time that ten false doctrines were advanced and certified into Roman Catholic Doctrine.


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