70–Blessings After Judgment

The Lord, goes on to give the nation Israel’s leaders His best advice, which is as follows: in returning and rest shall ye be saved; or may be saved. This is the right and the only way, namely, by returning from their evil ways, particularly their purpose of going to Egypt for help, and by returning to God through repentance and reformation if they truly believe Him. In quietness refers to a collected, quiet state of mind. And in confidence means by putting simple trust in God. These are the results of resting in God quietness and confidence regarding one’s life choices. If they are truly believers they will be saved. If not and they return to Him they might put their confidence in Him for future salvation. As, the text says, shall be your strength means that you shall be safe. Which is to say that your enemies shall not be able to overcome and subdue you. Therefore, the salvation is twofold, one, spiritual and two, physical.

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