71–Judgment on the Nations

This prophecy initially seems to apply to the Assyrian nation in the near term from Isaiah’s day. It is better understood as a prefigurement, type, shadow or model of all the nations that defy the Lord culminating with the last beast of the Times of the Gentiles. The final end of the last days of the earthly Gentile empires have a lot of events that cast a shadow before them. This last empire is imperialism which many refer to as a revived Rome will be led by its king the Antichrist. The parallels are unmistaken with its reference to the terms, nations, (Hebrew ameem) in plural and Topheth. He will consume all nations of the world when He comes to make war with the Antichrist and his kings of the earth as the Word of God and setting the king into Gehenna the Lake of Fire, called here Topheth.

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