74–Judgment Before Kingdom

This section of Scripture at first reading does not seem to follow the previous eight verses of the coming Messiah and His Kingdom. He completes the fourth woe here with a depiction of sinful women at ease in the culture before judgment. God’s purpose is to show that the present condition and attitude of the women is wrong and deceptive, in order to point out what the true condition should be. Although addressing them as women and daughters, he sees children following their parents. The worldwide final result after all these sins and their judgment is God setting up His worldwide Messianic Kingdom which will be headquartered in Jerusalem.The turning to pleasure and comfort, and away from God, starts with ancient humanity as depicted in the book of Genesis chapter four and continues until the Flood. Picture if you will a developed culture, with leisure time for music, and a technology capable of smelting metal ores. If humanity is spiritually crippled, it does not matter how great human achievements are in the material realm.

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