75–Anti-God Violence

Before the Flood the Bible says that “the earth was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence.” This is given. But what is the view today of man’s violence?

Violence has always been a part of the human condition because of our sin nature (Romans 3:23). Modern families are exposed to even more violence than previous generations because of the widespread availably of media. With the competitiveness of the media outlets and their 24/7 availability, the average viewer can see levels of violence exceeding the Roman Gladiator games. Modern society, in spite of all its technological and scientific progress, is morally degenerate compared with past generations. Now even warfare technology is deadlier because of computerized inter-continental missiles, biological agents and nuclear armaments. One of the most observed human behaviors is that society is becoming more and more violent. For example, the 20th century is often mentioned as easily the most horrifying century in all of history, with two devastating world wars, the Jewish holocaust, the Armenian holocaust, and the Cambodian killing fields of Pol Pot. At the dawn of the 21st century, we have incidents such as the September 11, 2001 attacks, countless suicide bombings, and riots in many cities.

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