77–Redeemed See Messiah

This section of Scripture begins to describe land and kingdom that a very select group of people will inherit. In contrast with the destruction of the destroyer and traitor, the righteous will live. Isaiah noted the kind of people who will be saved (Isaiah 33:13–16) and then described the land in which they will live. Such a person saved, by the fires of Tribulation suffering will enter the Messianic Kingdom. He shall dwell high making reference to the millennial mountain where the world headquarters will be in Jerusalem. Bread and water refer to the abundance of food available during the kingdom. This will be guaranteed to the righteous in the Messiah’s Kingdom, where, enemies and sieges will be no more. Only those among us who are led by the Spirit of God are the true believers of God.

NOTES HERE: https://media-cloud.sermonaudio.com/text/89201831395156.pdf

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