78–The Lord Returns

This section of Scripture discusses the return of the Lord Jesus near the end of the Tribulation during the campaign of Armageddon. God begins with a call to all the nations, declaring that God is indignant against all these nations and also their armies. They are all going to be slaughtered with the sword of the Lord. Because of this there will be convulsions in the earth at this time, and shaking in the heavens too. But when the sword of God strikes it is declared to fall on the land of Edom. Becoming even more specific, it will occur at the city of Bozrah in the land of Edom. As we have seen this is modern day Southern Jordan specifically the city of Petra.

Another description identifying Jesus is given in Isaiah 63:1–6. While in a prophetic vision, Isaiah the Prophet was standing on some high point or mountain in Israel looking eastward toward the land of Edom when suddenly he saw a magnificent but blood-stained figure approaching him in glory and splendor. At that point a question and answer session ensues between Isaiah the Prophet and this marching figure. Isaiah initiated the conversion with the first question.

Isaiah 63:1a
1Who is this that comes from Edom, with dyed garments from Bozrah? this that is glorious in his apparel, marching in the greatness of his strength (ASV, 1901)?

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