79 Valley of Dry Bones Prophecy

Ezekiel is about to enter a new state of awareness. God is taking him to a state we may call spiritization. God lives in a state of existence which is outside of time and space. Our existence is the physical creation. The physical universe, and space all emerged in one single event of creation inside the word “beginning” (Hebrew Rasheet) as Genesis 1:1 cites. In other words God created the earth, heavens and all that is in them out of one single creative event within the onset of the domain of time. The Hebrew text of Genesis 1:1 reads “In beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” It does not say in the beginning but rather just in beginning. This implies that within the first instance of time the creation was formed out of it. But outside of time and the creation is where God exists and where we will go after we are released from these bodies. Ezekiel had the privilege to enter the eternal domain to commune with God and receive a most unique message. The apostle John had a similar (Revelation 4:1-2) blessing to be able, while still in the body, to behold Heaven and the Throne Room of God. Isaiah saw this (Isaiah 6:1-13) as did Daniel (Daniel 7:1-28). These three prophets were all privileged to experience a unique message regarding a future earthly event of some sort. Ezekiel was communing with God to receive the message of the complete resurrection of the nation Israel.


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