God has given us through Isaiah many characteristics of this new era coming on the earth.
1. A New creation of the heavens and the earth. This is actually better translated as newer or renovated.
2. Jerusalem will be significantly changed to accommodate the restructuring of the world government headquarters under King Jesus the Messiah.
3. Life and death in the Millennial Kingdom will be significantly different. Life will be characterized by longevity.
4. Due to the peace and prosperity as well as the acceleration of light in the Kingdom, building and planting will be enabled in abundance (Isaiah 30:23).
5. There will be an absence of war and calamity.
6. The animal kingdom will be at peace with one another and with humans as well.
For the entire period of the Messianic Kingdom circumstances will be significantly better than the conditions of this earth which we are presently experiencing. It should not be confused with the genuine and completely new earth and heavens of the Eternal Order which appears following the Messianic Kingdom (Revelation 21-22). There will be a continuation of many of the characteristics and practices of the present earth albeit without the angst of sin as Satan the sin originator is bound for the one-thousand years.