It is always possible to turn back to God regardless of our sin. That is why Jesus died.

It is always possible to turn back to God regardless of our sin. That is why Jesus died. The problem is that it IS always possible — but some folks won’t. God never closes the door. Some won’t walk through it.

I think people who turn away fell that once they do that God will never take them back for doing so. I think they miss the whole mercy of God toward us. For he knows what short comings we all have at times in our lives and I feel that this is when God shows us what we need the most to come to Him with open hearts.

I also think that people have a completely wrong idea as to what it means to stand aloof from Christ — to love darkness rather than light. SINNING — in the sense of outward conduct, or even that of inward thoughts — are secondary. Indeed, you could live what is considered to be a “clean life” — and yet be in complete darkness. Read Galatians. Their problem was that their faith was in their own works — in their own righteousness.

They were certainly not sinning in any outward way. But they were absolutely sinning and in darkness because their faith was not in the ONE who is “other than themselves” — Christ — indeed our faith must be to the EXCLUSION of ourselves, and solely in Him, not only because of what He has done, but in Him AS OUR LIFE.

If I begin to live on the basis of the natural life — or if I have never stopped living from out of myself — I am in unbelief.

If I am trying to fix and repair the old man that God says is under the Cross and needs to be LET GO — I am sinning in unbelief.

If I am trying to find in myself or create in myself any life, rather than live from out of Christ by faith, I am sinning.
I know many people who know all the words of the gospel and scripture, and who even know we must lose our lives, but who then turn right around and are using the methods of man and the wisdom of this world to try to fix themselves — and then they say that THIS IS HOW Christ has worked with them. They say, “It worked! I am free!” No, you got what you wanted and what pleased your flesh. Rather, it is only when we come to the total end of all of that nonsense that we will finally realize that God has made it no more complicated than FAITH – the faith of a child that is resting directly upon the Father.

It is amazing how the biggest work of God through His Spirit is to set us free from all of our self effort, confusion, and attempts to harness His power, and to bring us down to ZERO so that we can simply receive all that God has freely given in Christ. And the fact is, we WON’T receive it — we won’t KNOW to receive it or be able to live in it — until we are reduced down to nothing. “Blessed are the poor in spirit — those who are spiritually bankrupt in themselves — for theirs is the kingdom of God.”


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