An Unprecedented Number of Locusts Dominate Southern Iran in 2020

Reports from inside of Iran say that the number of locusts is seven-fold compared to that of 2019; The agricultural and economic ramifications are critical.

As of February, a vast number of locusts have infiltrated the southern region on Iran, creating serious agricultural and therefore economic issues for the already struggling country.

Making matters worse, there really isn’t anything that can be done to counteract the damage or slow down the effects of the locusts except for the use of pesticides.
Even then, another problem arises. Reze Mir, who is the spokesman of Plants Protection Organization, stated that “The density of locusts in the swarms is so high that a 10 to 15-centimeter layer of dead locusts forms on the ground after spraying pesticides.”

The head of the Agricultural Jihad Organization, Keykhosrow Changalvai, made a very revealing statement last week when he confirmed that in 2019, the swarms they were dealing with had a span of 1-1.5 kilometers while the swarms they’re experiencing in 2020 range from 7-10 kilometers. He would even emphasize that the dangerous effects of these locusts are just as alarming as the global pandemic of CoVid-19.

Alongside Iran, Africa has also been battling an array of locusts this year that are wreaking havoc on their crops.

Locusts & the Bible

When then Israelites were enslaved in Egypt, pending their exodus to the land God had promised them, several plagues were poured out on the land of the Egyptians as result of Pharaoh’s stubborn heart and refusal to let the people go. One of the plagues God poured out was locusts, and surprise, they did exactly what they’re doing today! They destroyed the crop of the land (Exodus 10)!

Interestingly enough, the Bible communicates to us that God will use a different breed of locusts in the future when he pours out his wrath, not on Egypt, but the entire unbelieving world (Revelation 9).


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