Any Spying Aircraft Near Iran-Russia-China Drills to Be Hit – Iran Deputy Army Chief

 Iranian warship Alborz, foreground, prepares before leaving Iran's waters (File)

TEHRAN (Sputnik) – Any spying aircraft that will be spotted in the area of joint drills of Iran, Russia, China is due to be destroyed, the Coordinating Deputy of the Islamic Republic of Iran Army, Habibollah Sayyari, told Tasnim news agency on Saturday.

“Many countries are definitely seeking to know what the matter is. Spies have also taken action. A joint war game is no joke, and this is no joking matter for us either. We will hit whatever spying craft in the war game zone, be it watercraft or aircraft, as we have proved having such a capability in the past,” he said.

Russia, Iran and China launched a joint naval exercise, dubbed Naval Security Belt, in the northern Indian Ocean and the Gulf of Oman earlier in the day. During the drill, the participants are set to exercise fighting terrorism and piracy, as well as providing regional security.

The drill will last four days and will include the three states sharing the experience of naval rescue operations.

Earlier, the Pentagon, which has announced its own ‘maritime security’ operation in the region, confirmed that it was aware of the drills and would be closely monitoring the situation.

The drills are the first international maritime exercises of their kind for Iran since the Iranian Revolution of 1979, which saw the overthrow of the US-backed regime of the Shah.

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