Arab League chief warns of ‘imperial ambitions’ of Iran and Turkey


Arab League holds emergency meeting over Gaza in Cairo (video)

BEIRUT, LEBANON (12:10 P.M.) – The Secretary-General of the Arab League, Ahmed Aboul Gheit, spoke of an upcoming war in the world “because of the shape of relations between the major powers.”

Aboul Gheit explained during statements carried by the Egyptian newspaper, Al-Ahram, that “the rapid rise in the power of China may enter the world into a cold war that will not necessarily be the same as the cold war that the world witnessed between the United States and the Soviet Union, due to the great interdependence between the two superpowers and the size common trade, and the great interests of each party, which may be threatened if they engage in a direct conflict. ”

The Secretary-General indicated that “Arab countries may find a greater margin for maneuver in light of the presence of two competing forces at the top of the international pyramid. However, the conditions of this competition will also place restrictions on movement as each superpower seeks to attract allies.”

Aboul Gheit warned during his speech, which dealt with changes at the international level, that “the Arabs must prepare to face international situations that will witness fluidity and speed in the rhythm of change, so that it will be difficult to anticipate future trends, stressing that the atmosphere of competition between China and America may be managed and set its rhythm.”

Aboul Gheit noted in his speech a number of features of the ongoing changes in the world, chief among them the decline of globalization and the emergence of populist nationalism, represented by “Brexit” and in the previous election of US President Donald Trump.

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