Arabs riot in Lod, torch synagogue

Arabs riot in Lod, torch synagogue

Dozens of Arab residents of Lod shot fireworks at police officers, set a synagogue on fire, and tried to set fire to a police station.


Ido Ben Porat , May 11 , 2021 2:08 AM


Riots in Lod

Riots in Lod

Gabbai family

Hundreds of Arabs rioted on Monday night in several hotspots in the city of Lod, shooting fireworks at police officers, burning a synagogue and trying to set fire to a police station.

Jews who were defending their lives repelled the rioters by opening fire.

An Arab who was shot during the riots died of his wounds at Assaf Harofeh Hospital. Another Arab arrived at the hospital on his own, also suffering from gunshot wounds and in moderate condition.

The chairman of the Religious Zionist Party, MK Bezalel Smotrich, called on the Minister of Internal Security Amir Ohana and the police to send large forces to Lod. “I am warning once again, the events in Lod are out of control and the police response is far from sufficient. Riots in dozens of hotspots. A terrorist killed, which will, God forbid, escalate events.”

“The beit midrash of the mechina was set on fire, same with the new mosaic museum. An incited lot. If someone upstairs does not come to his senses immediately, this night will end in disaster,” Smotrich warned.

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