
BEIRUT, LEBANON (12:40 P.M.) – The Austrian Parliament made the decision this week to designate Hezbollah as a terrorist organization.
This move officially bans the Lebanese organization’s political wing from operating inside the central European nation.
The Israeli Foreign Ministry welcomed the decision of the Austrian Parliament to take additional punitive measures against Hezbollah.
“This is an important decision,” Israeli Foreign Minister Gabi Ashkenazi said, “I call on the Austrian government to adopt its parliament decision and join Britain, Germany and the Netherlands by declaring Hezbollah a terrorist organization.”
The Israeli media had reported that the Austrian Parliament had made the decision on May 29 in which it called on the government of the country to take action against the Lebanese organization.
The decision calls for “appropriate and effective measures to be taken to act decisively against the terrorist and criminal activities of Hezbollah and its supporters in Austria,” according to the Israeli Defense website.
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Content retrieved from: https://www.almasdarnews.com/article/austrian-parliament-designates-hezbollah-as-terrorist-entity-israel-applauds-decision/.