News Desk

BEIRUT, LEBANON (6:20 P.M.) – The Azerbaijani Ministry of Defense warned on Thursday, that its forces could carry out a precision strike on the Metzamur power station in western Armenia if Yerevan decided to hit Azerbaijani strategic installations.
In response to Armenian threats to hit the Mingchevir water tank in northern Azerbaijan, the Azerbaijani Defense Ministry spokesman, Colonel Waqif Dargankhali, said:
“The Armenian side should not forget that the latest missile systems available to our army are capable of hitting the Metzamur Atomic Energy Station with high accuracy, which will turn into a great tragedy for Armenia.” .
These statements come against the backdrop of the military escalation in the border region between Armenia and Azerbaijan since last Sunday, which the two sides have accused each other of causing.
Moscow and Tehran have confirmed that they would do their utmost to reduce the tension between Baku and Yerevan, while Turkey aligned with Azerbaijan, has vowed to make Armenia “pay the price” for clashing with Azerbaijan.
Source: Interfax
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