Bennett: A nuclear deal won’t increase stability – or prevent Israeli attack

Prime Minister Naftali Bennett implies that Israel could launch a military strike against Iran even if the Islamic Republic and world powers revive their 2015 nuclear deal.

“The greatest threat against the State of Israel is Iran,” Bennett says at the weekly cabinet meeting in Jerusalem. “As the government, we are responsible for dealing with the Iranian nuclear program and, of course, we are monitoring the Vienna talks.

“Our position is well-known and clear: An agreement – according to the apparent terms – will damage the ability to deal with the nuclear program. Anyone who thinks that an agreement will increase stability is mistaken,” he adds, according to a readout from his office. “It will temporarily delay enrichment but all of us in the region will pay a heavy, disproportionate price for it.”

Bennett accuses Iran of ramping up its belligerence in recent weeks — seemingly alluding to a strong of attacks by Tehran-aligned Yemeni rebels — despite its ongoing negotiations on returning to the nuclear deal, known as the JCPOA.

“That is how you conduct negotiations, Tehran-style,” he says.


“We are currently filling in gaps and building up Israel’s military strength for years and even decades to come,” Bennett adds.

“Israel will maintain freedom of action in any case, with or without an agreement,” he says, in a thinly veiled threat.

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