Bennett promises measures to alleviate cost of living

PM at Cabinet meeting addresses cost-of-living, says current parameters of potential nuke deal will not stop Iranian nuclear program.


PM Bennett

Prime Minister Naftali Bennett at the start of the weekly Cabinet meeting Sunday referred to the cost of living and the wave of price increases, and said that within a few days, measures to curb inflation will be presented.

“In the coming days, we will present to the public a series of measures designed to alleviate the cost of living in the country. I hope it will soon have effect, especially in food prices. These are things that will have an immediate effect. Several containment measures have already been taken on the issues of the marketing chains and importers, and I would like to commend the Minister of Finance and the Minister of Economy for that,” Bennett began.

He said, “Although global price increases are hitting Israel relatively moderately compared to other countries, we still feel it, because it affects prices that are already high in the first place. I am glad to see that the public understands the importance of wise and critical consumerism. But at the same time, we as a government are already opening up barriers, and increasing competition.”

“In the end, what lowers prices and improves service is always the same thing – competition, competition, competition. Here I want to turn to government ministries – we need to ease regulation and open the economy to competition. Do not be afraid, be bold. A good standard for Germans or Swedes, probably good enough for Israelis as well. A 150% difference in the price of toothpaste, for example, is not justified. I remember that as Minister of Economy I lowered the price of yellow cheese. How? I opened the cheese market for import and competition, yellow cheese came in from Poland and also lowered the price of Israeli cheeses.

“We should see the situation as an opportunity. An opportunity to address structural, long-term failures that have led to a decade of price increases. This government has an extraordinary opportunity to reduce the influence of lobbyists and stakeholders, and act in the public interest, for the benefit of all Israeli citizens. That is what we will do,” Bennett said.

Turning to the negotiations over Iran’s nuclear program in Vienna, Bennett said that “the greatest threat against the State of Israel is Iran. As the government, we are responsible for dealing with the Iranian nuclear program and, of course, we are monitoring the Vienna talks.”

“Our position is well-known and clear: An agreement – according to the apparent terms – will damage the ability to deal with the nuclear program. Whoever thinks that an agreement will increase stability – is mistaken. It will temporarily delay enrichment but all of us in the region will pay a heavy, disproportionate price for it.

“In recent weeks, precisely during the negotiations, Iran is increasing its aggression and repeatedly using terrorism in the region, as you all have seen. This is how you conduct negotiations, Tehran-style.

“We are currently closing gaps and building up Israel’s military strength for years and even decades to come. Israel will maintain freedom of action in any case, with or without an agreement.

“Every knowledgeable investor knows that investing in the Iranian regime, in the Iranian economy, is an unwise investment in both the long and intermediate terms,” Bennett concluded.

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