Biden is coming to divide Jerusalem.

This foolish president, who has been wrong on every important issue throughout his political career, thinks that dividing Israel’s ancient capital will herald peace.Op-ed.

Barry Shaw21.05.22

ג'ו ביידן


Those with some knowledge of the significance of history will be aware that the current wave of Jew killing by hateful Arab murderers (both Palestinian and Israeli), occurred as the clock ticked past May 14, the 74th anniversary of Israel’s Declaration as the nation state of the Jewish People.

This followed a procession of important events that marked the legitimacy of the Jewish Homeland in Palestine acknowledged and endowed on us by the global powers of these day at the 1920 San Remo Conference, the 1922 League of Nations Geneva Conference, leading to its enshrinement in Article 80 of the founding documents of the United Nations and, finally, the UN General Assembly that voted in favor of the reconstitution of the nation state of the Jewish People that the Israeli Delegation accepted, but the Arab world rejected.

The battle by the haters has been to expunge Israel’s legitimacy. Their tactics range from trying to eradicate the Jewish State in one fell swoop, or by the staged approach of eroding Israel until it is unable to defend itself from the final solution of the Jewish problem in the Middle East.

This rejection, this anti-Jewish rejection, continues to this day.

We see it in the vile obsession to kill Jews and the vow to utterly destroy Israel incited by both camps of the Palestinian divide – the PLO & PFLP terror wing of the Palestinian Authority, and by Hamas/Islamic Jihad based in Gaza whose influence is growing on the Palestinian streets of Jenin, Hebron, and even in Jerusalem.


Peace will never be possible until this Jew-hating cancer is surgically removed.

It cannot be cured by appeasing these haters with money, territory, or kindness, particularly if they toss in Judea, Samaria, or Jerusalem as some sort of tempting persuasion to the unpersuadable that it’s in their interest to play nice.

This important message must be drilled into the heads of the Biden Administration in advance of President Biden’s dangerous visit to Israel, planned for June, during which he intends to divide Israel’s sovereign capital, Jerusalem.

The Biden State Department tried to foist a US Consulate located in Jerusalem to serve Palestinian Arabs only on the Israeli Government, but the government stood firm and denied this unique and unacceptable precedent. That would be tantamount to dividing the unique sovereignty of any nation, and Israel was appalled by the chutzpah of the US State Department for even demanding such a request. If America wanted to serve Palestinian Arabs, they could readily open a consulate in Ramallah or Gaza, or both. But they didn’t. They didn’t because the Palestinian Arabs want to lay claim to Jerusalem, and the Biden Administration has their backs. Not Israel’s.


Biden’s itinerary is to first visit with Israeli leaders in Jerusalem and tell them he has our back, and the next day go visit Palestinian Arabs, not in Ramallah but in east Jerusalem, and to visit without any Israeli presence, not even an Israeli security attachment, to show them he really has Palestinian backs, not ours.

His presence there is designed to make a visual political statement by the President of the United States that this is to be the capital of ‘Palestine’.

This foolish president, who has been wrong on every important issue throughout his political career, thinks that dividing Israel’s ancient capital will herald peace.

Oh, how the mighty are so out of touch with reality. And how they endanger the Jewish People with their political naivety.

Biden has a long history of demanding that Jews surrender our ancient land to an implacable and intransigent enemy.


It goes back beyond Bennett and Bibi to Menachem Begin. Biden threatened to cut off US aid if Begin did not remove Jews from Judea & Samaria. That was back in 1982.

Begin defended the right of Jews to live in their ancient land, a land legitimized and reconstituted by world bodies going back even before Biden was born. Begin stood up to Biden, telling him, “I am a proud Jew. Three thousand years of culture are behind me, and you will not frighten me with threats.”

Begin went on, “If at any time you demand of us to yield on a principle in which we believe, while threatening to cut aid, we will not abandon the principle in which we believe.”

This should be the principle for Israeli leaders to adopt today if faced with similar Biden threats.

They should also adopt the answer that Golda Meir gave Biden decades ago in rebutting the same demand.

“Senator Biden. We Israelis have a secret weapon. We have nowhere else to go.”

Barry Shaw is Public Diplomacy Director at the Israel Institute for Strategic Studies

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