I just was watching on YouTube an episode of Prophecy Watchers with Gary Stearman. I know he is a mixed bag, because some of his guests are really Biblically sound, and others are questionable. Anyway, the one I watched today featured Pastor Billy Crone, one of the “good guys. “
Billy made a very interesting tie-in for the Rapture. with the Seventy Weeks prophecy, the 70th Week being the Tribulation’s 7 years. The tie-in was that the Seventy Weeks were for the Jewish people. Since the 70th Week is all about Israel, to insert the Church anywhere in those seven years is shifting the focus of those seven years from the Jews and placing them on the Church, thereby advocating the false doctrine called Replacement Theology.
I had never considered that before, but it is a sound point. Tribulational Rapturists are advocating Replacement Theology when they place the Church inside ANY part of those seven years for Israel. —–Paul Kocourek
Pastor Billy Crone just returned from a whirlwind tour of Europe, a mission focused on getting to the roots of the rapture. Does the name Margaret McDonald ring a bell? How about John Nelson Darby and the real source of his 19th century rapture revelation? Or the unbiblical concept of a pre-wrath rapture? Crone’s trips to Scotland and the UK have exposed a deceptive agenda, all designed to discredit the blessed hope and convince Christians that they will be subject to all or part of the horrors of the Tribulation and the wrath of God. Don’t be deceived! In a thought provoking interview Billy sets the record straight by going right to the source of the confusion. Don’t miss this powerful defense of the rapture!
Content retrieved from: https://youtu.be/JOWX5EZfgBk.
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