BEIRUT, LEBANON (9:10 A.M.) – The Ansarallah Movement (var. Houthis) and Iran have signed their first ever military cooperation agreement, Yemen’s Al-Masirah TV reported.
According to Al-Masirah TV, the Ansarallah-aligned Yemeni Ambassador to Iran, Ibrahim Al-Daylami, held a meeting with the Iranian Minister of Defense, Brigadier General Amir Hatami, about enhancing their military cooperation in the Middle East.
The group’s ambassador conveyed the greetings from the Minister of Defense in Sana’a, Major General Mohammad El-Atefi, and the Chief-of-Staff, Major General Mohammad Al-Ghammari, to the Iranian Minister of Defense,” praising “the cooperative relations that link the two countries at various levels and the Iranian position towards aggression against Yemen.”
In turn, the Iranian Minister of Defense asked Al-Daylami to convey his regards to the Minister of Defense and the Chief of the General Staff, pointing to the need to strengthen the relationship between the Iranian and Yemeni armies.
Brigadier General Hatimi stressed Iran’s support for a political solution in Yemen and the end of foreign meddling inside the country.
The two parties then signed a military agreement to enhance their cooperation at several levels, but the details were not released.
Despite reports that claim the Ansarallah Movement and Iran are closely aligned, this is the first military agreement that the two parties have ever signed.
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Content retrieved from: https://www.almasdarnews.com/article/breaking-iran-and-houthis-sign-first-military-cooperation-agreement/.