“Broken people . . .

“Broken people . . . We are all broken people in need of a Healer. Cracked pieces of clay, vessels with holes that leak, desperately trying to stop the hemorrhaging. Creating our own man-made dams to divert a flood that could sweep us away at any moment.
Very few see–see our lives as it truly is. If only they knew–divorce, affairs, depression, grief, loneliness, addiction, abuse, hopelessness, sickness, financial struggles.

We trade ourselves in for plastic smiles and performances that fool even ourselves. With well meaning hearts we somehow strive to measure up, clean up and create an image of confidence to the world. We become perfect, passive, people pleasers without boundaries. We follow lists, smile through the trials, pull up boot straps and ‘get er done.’ Afraid of what would happen if we stopped.

No one knows. So we push …push ourselves with broken wings, limps, fragile and fearful hearts, onward we push. Our driving fear? What would people think? What would God think?
We imagine the ‘God of wrath’ hunting us down with His displeasure, His eyes looking at us with shame. In the midst of the storm, somewhere a calm whisper in our ear, ‘No need to push the river beloved; it flows on its own. Why do you strive my child? Are you not like a sparrow with a broken wing? Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies, and not one of them is forgotten before me? Do you think you are less valuable?’

‘My love- I heal the broken in heart, and bind up your wounds. I proclaim liberty to the captives, and open the prison to them that are bound. My desire for you is that you would be healed and that you would fly free, my love. With gentleness I gather you up as a hen gathers her brood under her wings. You are my joy, my delight, my desire. You are safe under the shadow of My wings.’
Gentleness. It is an attribute of God, just like He is Justice, He is Gentle. He does not batter His sheep- He protects His sheep. Even the sparrow that falls, He gently gathers and heals.

What would it look like if, broken one, you were shown safety, gentleness, tenderness, meekness? You would fly. I know- I’ve seen the beauty of a scarred and broken vessel fly again. Not only do they fly but they gather with them other broken ones and lead them to the healing Hands of Jesus–all in gentleness.”

–Julie (Journey To Beloved)