Cypriot Foreign Minister Nikos Christodoulides lands in Israel

Christodoulides arrived via helicopter to Ben-Gurion Airport, which has a special “green zone” for diplomatic visits.


JUNE 23, 2020 10:38
Israel Foreign Minister Gabi Ashkenazi greets Cypriot Foreign Minister Nikos Christodoulides upon his arrival on June. 23. 2020. (photo credit: MIRI SHIMONOVICH/GPO)
Israel Foreign Minister Gabi Ashkenazi greets Cypriot Foreign Minister Nikos Christodoulides upon his arrival on June. 23. 2020. (photo credit: MIRI SHIMONOVICH/GPO)

Cyrpus Foreign Minister Nikos Christodoulides landed in Israel Tuesday morning, with energy issues at the top of his agenda.

Christodoulides arrived in Israel via helicopter to Ben-Gurion Airport, which has a special coronavirus green zone for the purpose of allowing such diplomatic visits. Israel Foreign Minister Gabi Ashkenazi met Christodoulides upon his arrival.

The visit is in lieu of one by Cyprus President Nicos Anastasiades with several ministers, which was canceled because of an increase in coronavirus cases in Israel in recent weeks.

Cyprus’ foreign minister sought to meet with new Foreign Minister Gabi Ashkenazi despite the cancellation of the larger delegation.

Ashkenazi is expected to ask Christodoulides to defend Israel more vocally in the EU.

Ashkenazi wrote on his Twitter account, “Welcome to #Israel Cypriot FM @Christodulides . Happy to host you on your short but important visit that will further strengthen bilateral relations.”

“Looking forward to discuss with you increased cooperation in the economic, security and strategic realms,” Ashkenazi wrote.

Welcome to #Israel Cypriot FM @Christodulides . Happy to host you on your short but important visit that will further strengthen bilateral relations .
Looking forward to discuss with you increased cooperation in the economic, security and strategic realms.

— גבי אשכנזי – Gabi Ashkenazi (@Gabi_Ashkenazi) June 23, 2020

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