Developing: Israeli warplanes spotted near Syrian border

News Desk2019-04-25{text-align:left} img{margin:0 auto 0 0}

BEIRUT, LEBANON (10:15 P.M.) – Israeli warplanes were tracked entering southern Lebanon this evening and moving towards the Jabal Sheikh (Mount Hermon) region near the Syrian border.

According to a Syrian military source in Damascus, their air defense units are on high alert as the Israeli Air Force often takes this flight path to bomb the western governorates of Homs and Damascus.

Earlier this month, the Israeli Air Force heavily bombarded the key city of Masyaf, where they struck a weapons storage and suspected Iranian military base.

While the S-300 was present in the Masyaf area, the Syrian Air Force did not use the missile system to intercept the Israeli warplanes that entered the country from the northern region of Lebanon.

Israel has previously issued a stern warning to the Syrian military about using their S-300 system against their warplanes; however, a source in Damascus told Al-Masdar shortly after the Masyaf attack that their air defense units were still training with these missiles.

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