Devin Nunes: Andrew McCarthy invited to hearing on Mueller investigation to counter Democrats’ impeachment ‘show’

Daniel Chaitin

 | June 08, 2019 10:39 PM

Rep. Devin Nunes, R-Calif., revealed Republicans on the House Intelligence Committee are bringing in former U.S. Attorney Andrew McCarthy as their witness for a hearing next week on special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation.

The ranking member told Fox News on Saturday that McCarthy was invited to “hopefully have a little bit of balance” in a hearing he said was designed by Democrats to “tell us how Trump obstructed justice on a crime he didn’t commit.”

“The show starts this week. This is where the Democrats begin to throw fuel on their base. They have already been poisoning the American people for two and a half years. This is going to be their road to impeachment,” he told host Jeanine Pirro.

McCarthy, a contributing editor at National Review, has been highly critical of Mueller, the Justice Department, and the FBI in their handling of the Trump-Russia investigation.

The hearing, announced last week by Chairman Adam Schiff, is titled, “Lessons from the Mueller Report: Counterintelligence Implications of Volume 1.”

“Since the release of the Mueller report, the American public has learned much about the President’s conduct, his campaign’s interactions with Russia and that nation’s interference in our election and affairs,” Schiff said in a statement.

“The evidence has been both criminal and non-criminal, and implicated deep counterintelligence concerns over the potential compromise of U.S. persons,” the California Democrat added. “Our Committee’s goal will be to explain to the American people the serious counterintelligence concerns raised by the Mueller Report, examine the depth and breadth of the unethical and unpatriotic conduct it describes, and produce prescriptive remedies to ensure that this never happens again. That is a tall task, but it begins with a detailed focus on the facts laid out in the Special Counsel’s report.”

His two witnesses are Stephanie Douglas and Robert Anderson, former executive assistant directors of the FBI’s National Security Branch.

Mueller completed his 22-month investigation into Russia interference in the 2016 election in March. His report, released by the Justice Department with redactions in April, shows Mueller’s team was unable to prove criminal conspiracy between the Trump campaign and the Kremlin. Mueller outlined 10 scenarios of possible obstruction in his report, but declined to make a determination about whether the president should be charged with obstructing justice.

Although Trump says he has been vindicated, Democrats argue Mueller’s refusal to clear Trump on obstruction provides them a road map to continue to investigate and possibly seek impeachment. Attorney General William Barr said he and former Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein determined there was not sufficient evidence to establish a crime had occurred.

The Justice Department and House Intelligence Committee struck a deal last month for access to underlying material to Mueller’s investigation.

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