“The point to be observed is this: repentance is a change of mind toward the revealed truth of the Word of God. Previously a man disbelieved the revealed truth; and he has changed his mind and now accepts or believes the revealed truth” (Things Which Become Sound Doctrine, p. 63). Of Acts 20:21 about repentance toward God and faith towards Christ he says repentance is “A change of attitude toward the revealed truth of God that produced a faith toward the Lord Jesus Christ” (p. 64).”Salvation will be preceded by repentance. The one who turns to God accepts God’s Judgment upon sin, accepts the fact of his need of a Savior, accepts the fact of his guilt, accepts the fact of his lostness apart from Christ, accepts the fact of his helplessness. He turns from all self-righteousness in which he trusted, turns from his own works . . . . and turns to the Lord Jesus Christ, accepts the fact of God’s judgment upon sin and sinners, and by faith receives Jesus Christ as the one who is judged for him” ( p. 72).