
BEIRUT, LEBANON (11:30 A.M.) – The Egyptian Army outperformed the Turkish and Israeli armies in the ranking of Global Fire Power, as it ranked first as the strongest army in the Middle East and North Africa for this year.
The Egyptian Army’s reached the top ranking after Turkish military was rated the most powerful force in all of the Middle East and North Africa in 2019.
The strength of the Egyptian Army was distinguished by the strength of its land, sea, and air forces in the number of missile systems and other equipment, as Egypt has worked during the recent period to significantly develop the strength of its army.

Credit: Global Fire Power
The Global Fire Power military site, which ranks the most powerful forces in the world, claims the Egyptian Army is stronger than Israel, Turkey and Iran after advancing from the 11th to the 9th this year in the overall rankings.
Credit: Global Fire Power
The Egyptian Army came in 9th in the overall rankings in 2020, while the Turkish Army fell to 13th after it was in 9th last year, followed by the Iranian Army, and the Israeli Army at 18th.
Credit: Global Fire Power
The Egyptian army is likely to increase its rankings next year, if it continues to train its forces and equip its army with the strongest military equipment.
Most recently, the Egyptian Army has increased its naval strength by acquiring new submarines from Germany and a new frigate from Italy.
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Content retrieved from: https://www.almasdarnews.com/article/egypt-outperforms-israel-and-turkey-in-new-military-power-rankings-photo/.