Erdogan: I intend to visit Israel soon

Turkish President meets Jewish leaders in New York, says he is very excited about his country’s normalization with Israel.

Elad BenariSep 21, 2023, 5:07 AM (GMT+3)
Recep Tayyip Erdogan

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said that he intends to visit Israel soon after Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu visits Turkey, Ynet reported on Wednesday.

Erdogan made the comments in a meeting with 15 Jewish leaders at in New York.

According to the report, the Turkish President told the Jewish leaders said that he was very excited about the reconciliation with Israel.

“I have an open channel with President Herzog and now I also have an open channel with Netanyahu,” he said.

Erdogan stated that he intends to visit the Temple Mount and pray at the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem, adding that this is his right and obligation as a Muslim.

He also appealed to the Jewish leaders and asked them to help Turkey promote relations with the Biden administration.

The comments come a day after Erdogan met Netanyahu on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly.

Netanyahu was supposed to visit Turkey this past July and meet with Erdogan, but canceled the visit after undergoing a procedure to implant a pacemaker.

Foreign Minister Eli Cohen met with the Turkish President this past February, and Netanyahu spoke with him on the phone in June and congratulated him on his election victory.

Israel and Turkey formally announced last year that they would normalize relations by returning the ambassadors and consuls, after years of tensions.

In December, Israel’s Ambassador to Turkey, Irit Lillian, presented her credentials to Erdogan. In March, the new Turkish Ambassador to Israel, Şakir Özkan Torunlar, presented his credentials to President Herzog.

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