BEIRUT, LEBANON (12:45 A.M.) – The Ethiopian Information Network Security Agency announced that it had foiled cyber attacks masterminded by Egypt on June 17, 19, 20 and 21, with the aim of disrupting economic and political activities in Ethiopia.
The Ethiopian News Agency said that the cyber attack was arranged by attackers called Cyber Hopes Group.
According to Ethiopia, the attackers made long preparations and tried to carry out a severe attack on institutions, especially on Friday, June 19 and Saturday, June 20th.
The agency stated that the attackers tried to disable the websites of 13 public organizations and 4 NGOs.
The information and communication technology infrastructure and websites of public service providers, security organizations and other public and private institutions have been the targets of the attack that electronic attacks have attempted in Egypt.
Cyber Hopes Group, Anubis.Hacker and Security Bypass have claimed responsibility for the attempted attacks and have recognized that their aim was to take action against Ethiopia over the filling of the Renaissance Dam.
The agency stated that the attack would have constituted complex economic, political and psychological pressures in the country if the agency had failed to combat the assault attempt.
The agency summoned institutions and individuals to verify the security of their networks in particular before using them.
The agency also thanked Ethiotelecom and the Ministry of Innovation and Technology for their efforts to thwart cyber attacks.
The Egyptian hackers hacked important Ethiopian government sites, and left a message about the Nile, which has become the cause of differences between Egypt and Ethiopia.
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The attackers left a message that read: “May the curse of the Pharaohs be upon all who want Egypt badly.”
Content retrieved from: https://www.almasdarnews.com/article/ethiopia-hit-by-major-cyber-attack-from-egypt-amid-row-over-renaissance-dam/.