
BEIRUT, LEBANON (8:20 P.M.)- The European Union’s foreign policy official, Joseph Borrell, said on Sunday, that the European Union is concerned about what he called “sea [military] movements” in the eastern Mediterranean recently, amid an escalation of the dispute accompanied by tension between Ankara on the one hand, and Cairo and Athens on the other hand, over the demarcation of the maritime borders.
“The recent sea movements in the eastern Mediterranean are extremely worrying, and will not contribute to finding solutions, but rather lead to greater enmity and lack of confidence,” Borrell said in a statement.
He stressed that “determining the maritime borders should be through dialogue and negotiations, not through unilateral actions and the movement of the navy forces.”
He added that “the current course will not serve the interests of Turkey or the Union,” expressing his “readiness to sponsor a dialogue and facilitate participation to resolve differences in that region.”
On Thursday, Egypt and Greece signed an agreement to demarcate the maritime borders between the two countries to define the exclusive economic zone between Egypt and Greece.
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said that the agreement between Egypt and Greece to demarcate the maritime borders between them is of no value, stressing that his country has resumed exploration work in the eastern Mediterranean.
The Turkish Foreign Ministry had stated that “the area specified within the Egyptian-Greek agreement falls within the Turkish continental shelf .”
They added that “Turkey considers the agreement null and void, adding that it also violates Libyan maritime rights.”
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Content retrieved from: https://www.almasdarnews.com/article/european-union-is-worried-about-military-movements-in-eastern-mediterranean/.