Faith of Isaac Jacob Joseph Moses

The New Testament describes Isaac as a “type” of Christ, which means specifics of Isaac’s life paralleled that of Christ. . By faith Isaac blessed Jacob and Esau although he did not give the blessings to the one to whom he intended to give them. So, Isaac knew the blessings he gave would come to pass; they were prophetic blessings. Jacob faithfully believed God would keep His promises as he gave prophetic blessings to the two sons of Joseph The riches and honors that Joseph received as the prime minister of Egypt, never caused him to abandon his God and the nation Israel. He made mention of the departing of the children of Israel: that is, out of the land of Egypt after the prophecied 400 year sojourn. By faith Moses’s parents saved him because of the promises of God. Moses faithfully followed the Lord’s command to bring the plagues on Egypt which through the passover caused the Israelis to leave in the Exodus and as they passed through the parted Red Sea and moved to dry ground the Lord brought the waters upon the pursuing Egyptian army and they all perished while none of the Children of Israel did.