
BEIRUT, LEBANON (7:45 A.M.) – French President Emmanuel Macron said Thursday that Hezbollah must solve the problems of people in Lebanon instead of serving the interests of a foreign country.
Macron made the remarks at a press conference in Beirut, which was reported by many media outlets and agencies.
He continued, “If they defend the interests of the Lebanese people, let them find a solution to electricity and to the problems of the people instead of serving the interests of a foreign country.”
He said, “France will never leave Lebanon, nor will it abandon the Lebanese people. When the heart of Lebanon is harmed, the heart of France is harmed.”
Macron stressed the need to carry out the necessary reforms, which Lebanon needs, noting that “cooperation with the International Monetary Fund should be undertaken.”
For its part, the head of the International Monetary Fund, Kristalina Georgieva, announced earlier Thursday that the fund is exploring all possible options to provide support to Lebanon after the explosion.
Sources: Reuters, Sputnik
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Content retrieved from: https://www.almasdarnews.com/article/frances-macron-tells-hezbollah-to-stop-serving-interests-of-a-foreign-country/.